
OTT Financial Inc. (OTT) 一贯尊重并保护客户(开立账户或与OTT建立业务关系) 的隐私权。根据适用法律,OTT有义务从客户处收集信息并验证其身份以满足相关法规要求。本隐私政策或声明解释了OTT在收到所需客户信息后对其的管理方式及隐私保护的规则。

根据加拿大现行的联邦和适用的省级法律,包括联邦隐私法“个人信息隐私和电子文件法案”(简称PIPEDA),OTT制定其隐私政策并按照隐私法律法规保护客户信息的保密和安全,而且作为提高客户服务水平的重要组成部分。 OTT要求所有员工按照本隐私政策和相关合规要求履行职责,并在工作中妥善处理客户的个人信息。。


原则1 – 问责制: 公司的每位员工都应该对其掌握控制下的个人信息负责,而且有指定的人员对其隐私政策的责任进行负责。
原则2 – 确定目的:个人信息收集的目的应在收集信息之前或收集时确定。
原则3 – 同意: 除法律上或安全性相关的原因外,在收集、使用或披露个人信息时,需要获得个人的事先知晓和许可。
原则4 – 限制收集:个人信息的收集应限于所确定目的所必需的信息,并应以公平合法的方式收集。
原则5 – 限制使用,披露和保留:除非获得个人同意或应法律要求允许,否则不得将个人信息用于收集时所述目的之外的其它目的。
原则6 – 准确性:个人信息应尽可能准确、完整和最新,以确定其使用目的。
原则7 – 保护信息:个人信息将受到与信息敏感性相和适的安全措施的保护。
原则8 – 开放性:有关个人信息管理的公司政策和程序将会提供给客户和员工以便他们获取相关的具体信息。
原则9 – 个人询访:如果需要,个人将能了解有关其信息的存在、使用和披露的情况,并可获得相关访问权限,或质疑信息的准确性、完整性及有权要求对有误信息进行适当的修改。
原则10 – 处理客户的投诉和建议: 个人可以向公司的隐私官员提出有关遵守上述原则的投诉。


在将客户个人信息用于合法商业目的时, OTT尊重客户隐私权并遵守PIPEDA的上述十项原则。OTT要求其所有员工或业务代表执行上述隐私法规及对所属工作范围内的客户个人信息进行负责,并且有指定的专门人员负责本隐私政策的遵守。

个人信息是指可以识别个人的信息,包括年龄,婚姻状况,家庭住址, 电话号码,电子邮件地址,职业,社会保险号,银行账户或信用记录等。此类信息可能会被要求提供,可通过电话、电子邮件,或通过使用公司网站, 所签署的帐户申请,或商业合同等方式。

根据相关法律要求,OTT需要获取并收集您作为客户的某些个人信息,以便我们能够为您建立和维护帐户或提供所需服务。 如下所述,此类信息将允许OTT履行其识别和验证客户身份的法律义务,帮助我们建立与您的业务关系并提供最佳的服务以满足您的需求

    o 了解您、并确立您作为OTT客户的有效身份;
    o 根据OTT的相关政策要求创建客户记录或文档;
    o 了解您的需求并评估OTT的服务和产品是否适合您;
    o 为您提供您所要求的、或同意的从OTT获得的服务;
    o 维护业务关系,保护您和OTT双方都免受任何错误或欺诈; 和
    o 遵守所有适用的法律法规、政策、合规等相关要求。


在获得您向OTT 员工提供的个人信息后,OTT 可将其用于以下目的:

    o 将为您做客户身份识别记录,并为您创建OTT 客户记录或客户信息文档;
    o 为您建立账户和管理帐户,并为您提供您所要求的交易或服务;
    o 维护、存储、记录、更新和确定您的帐户交易或服务相关的记录;
    o 确保我们的记录准确无误,并在必要时需要您提供更新或证明材料以验证我们所获得的信息;
    o 根据您的要求或需要,为您提供与您的帐户、交易或服务相关的确认或声明、收据或其它信息;
    o 为您的帐户、交易或服务提供优质的客户服务和支持;
    o 为您介绍您可能感兴趣的OTT 集团的产品和服务,与其成员公司分享您的信息,包括OTT Financial Canada Inc.,OTT Capital Corporation,OTT Pay Inc.等;
    o 维护您作为客户与OTT 的业务关系,保护您和OTT 双方的利益; 和
    o 满足OTT 的所有适用法律法规、政策、合规等方面的要求,例如加拿大《犯罪收益(洗钱) 与恐怖融资法案》等。

在出于上述目的与您沟通有关您的帐户、交易或服务相关之事时,您同意我们可以通过如下方式联系您,包括邮寄信件,电子邮件, 电话或互联网等。

OTT 可通过如下所述途径获得您的个人信息,这些适用于收集个人信息的所有媒介形式,包括纸质、电子和口头方式。所提供的个人 信息将仅被用于上述所述的目的。

    o 由您直接提供,当您在填写OTT 的帐户申请、协议或交易文件时,并签署、提交给OTT 以获取您所需要的服务或产品。
    o 由您自愿告知我们,如直接通过电话、信件、电子邮件或OTT 网站,此类客户帐户或服务相关信息将被记录并妥善保存。
    o 在您联系OTT 员工或通过您书面授权的人员代表和我们沟通时,其被您授权可代表您执行有关您账户交易相关之事。

OTT 采用适当的存储方式保护您的个人信息,以电子或纸质格式存储和保存,并收集在 “客户记录” 中。此类记录或客户档案可能包括 有关您的信息,如姓名、出生日期、地址、电话号码、身份证明证件、职业等。另外,根据您所需的服务类型,为了执行适用的法律 法规、相关业务政策流程、合规和职责等要求,OTT 可能需要获取并保留与您的帐户、交易或服务相关的其它方面的信息。

在为您提供服务的过程中,OTT 员工需要从您那里获取准确、完整和最新的个人信息,并且根据与您的帐户、交易或服务相关的已知 目的进行更新。如此类信息有了变化,请您及时提供,以便我们能够及时地为您更新信息,提供更好的服务和满足相关的法规要求。

OTT 使用您的个人信息仅限于收集时确定的目的,以便能够为您提供所需要的服务,并将根据适用的法律法规、政策、合规等方面的 要求保留必要的时间段或按需延长。如果您未能提供某些所需的信息,OTT 可能将无法评估、执行您的申请或服务需求。

在服务客户的过程中,只有那些因工作需要被OTT 授权的员工、代表或相关方才可以访问、使用您的个人信息, 并按要求保护客户 个人信息的机密性,且仅限于有限的使用和确定的目的。除了如下述的情况,客户个人信息都将不会被提供给其它第三方公司使用。

为了满足您的服务需求和相关法律或政府机构的要求,OTT 可能会在某些情况下(例如以下情形)需要向相关第三方、业务合作伙伴 或政府机构披露您的个人信息(无论如何,客户个人信息都将不会被出售给其它公司使用)。

    o 如果披露与所使用的授权服务或提供商所明确的目的相关,此种情况下,OTT 与其签订协议以确保适当的控制和保护措施;
    o 您已授权我们使用您所指定的金融机构去执行您所需的服务;
    o 应法律部门、政府机构或与您的帐户活动相关的法规等要求。

OTT 致力于遵守隐私法规和采取保障措施以确保客户个人信息的安全。OTT 把客户信息安全地保存在办公室中,要求所有员工在日常 处理客户信息时遵守相关的法规、政策和程序,并实施适当的安全措施保护客户的信息,如以下的安全措施:

    o 物理访问的安全,我们的办公室实施了安全措施并是有限制的访问;
    o 在我们的电脑、网络系统上设置访问权限及所需的密码;
    o 因工作需要的员工才可以访问客户记录,而且是有限的;
    o 实施文件加密,以避免未经授权的访问、修改或者使用;
    o 要求所授权的第三方服务或提供商或业务合作伙伴采取适当措施保护我们的客户信息,或在其发生违规时要求予以补救;
    o 按照相关程序的要求处置或销毁个人信息,并使用适当的方法或保护措施,防止未经授权的人员在此过程中获取信息。

在您为了您的帐户设置、交易或服务而提供个人信息给OTT 后,您有权知道并询问有关您的个人信息的问题,包括以下内容:

    o 我们是否记录或者持有您的客户个人信息;
    o 我们如何收集、使用或披露您的个人信息;
    o 您是否可以问询、如何查看或访问该信息;
    o 您作为客户的个人信息的准确性或完整性;
    o 其它您可能有的关于您的个人信息的问题。

您可以使用下面所列出的联系方式信息与我们联系,如通过电话、传真、邮寄邮件或电子邮件等方式。在请求查询了解您的信息时, 通常会有对您的信息访问权限及安全等方面的规定, 而且在有些情况下,可能存在某些法律或管理方面的限制。

另外,您还可以通过直接查看本隐私政策或联系我们去询问、获取有关OTT 的客户信息管理相关政策和程序的具体信息。

为了反映适用法律法规或相关合规要求的变化,或OTT 政策等方面的更新,本隐私政策或声明在此种情况下将会进行相应的更新。 在这种更新情况下,可能没有关于此类更新的事先通知。请您经常访问我们的网站,以便了解本隐私政策的更新情况。

OTT 要求所有员工在开设账户、建立客户档案和维护账户记录时确保客户个人信息的准确、完整和最新。 但是,有时可能会发生一些 错误(如拼写输入等)。如果您发现有关您的帐户开设或交易相关方面的任何不准确信息,或您的个人信息已经发生变化而需要更新 (如电话、地址、职业、证件更新等),请及时通知我们,以便我们能够尽快地去更正错误或更新您的相关信息。

此外,如您对您的OTT 客户信息有任何问题、疑虑或投诉,请使用下面方法之一直接与我们联系(如投诉,请以书面形式发送)。 在收到您的请求或投诉后,我们会尽快与您联系,以确保能及时地进行必要的改正或更新,并将尽力妥善地解决您的疑虑或问题。


地址:Suite 510, 5140 Yonge St., North York, ON Canada M2N 6L7

* 请注意:如本隐私政策或声明的中文版本与英文版本有任何歧义,以英文版本为准。

Privacy Policy

It is OTT’s policy to respect confidentiality and privacy of individuals who open an account or have a business relationship with OTT. Under the applicable law, OTT has an obligation to collect information from its clients and verify their identity to meet regulatory requirements. This Privacy Policy or Statement sets out the ways OTT managing client information upon receipt of personal information submitted.

In accordance with current federal and applicable provincial legislation in Canada, including the federal privacy law “the Personal Information Privacy and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA)”, OTT has adopted privacy practices to protect personal information as part of its overall service commitment to its clients, and makes reasonable efforts to keep personal information secure and confidential. Each employee of OTT is required to handle clients’ personal information properly and perform duties in compliance with this Privacy Policy.


Principles of PIPEDA

Principle 1 – Accountability

Each employee of an organization is responsible for personal information under his or her control and designated individual(s) shall be accountable for compliance with its Privacy Policy.

Principle 2 – Identifying Purposes

The purposes for which personal information is collected shall be identified before or at the time the information is collected.

Principle 3 – Consent

The prior knowledge and permission of the individual are required for the collection, use or disclosure of personal information, except for legal or security reasons.

Principle 4 – Limiting Collection

The collection of personal information shall be limited to that which is necessary for the purposes identified. Personal information shall be collected by fair and lawful means.

Principle 5 – Limiting Use, Disclosure and Retention

Personal information will not be used, disclosed or retained for purposes other than those stated at the time of collection, except with the permission or consent of the individual, or as permitted or required by law.

Principle 6 – Accuracy

Personal information shall be as accurate, complete and current as is necessary for the identified purposes for which it is to be used.

Principle 7 – Safeguarding Information

Personal information will be protected by safeguards appropriate to the sensitivity of the information.

Principle 8 – Openness

The policies and procedures of an organization relating to the management of personal information will be made readily available to its clients and employees for specific information.

Principle 9 – Individual Access

Upon request, an individual will be informed of the existence, use and disclosure of his or her personal information and shall be given access to it. An individual will be able to challenge the accuracy and completeness of the information and have it amended as appropriate.

Principle 10 – Handling Client Complaints and Suggestions

Individuals can address any complaint regarding compliance with the above principles to the Privacy Officer of an organization.

Privacy Practices of OTT

OTT recognizes an individual’s right to privacy. OTT adheres to the above ten principles of PIPEDA and only uses personal information for legitimate business purposes. The above privacy regulations pertain to all employees or representatives of OTT. Each employee of OTT is required to be responsible for client personal information under his or her control and designated officers are accountable for compliance with this Policy. Personal information refers to information that can identify an individual, including age, marital status, home address and telephone number, personal email address, employment history, social insurance number, bank account information or credit history etc. Such information may be provided to us on an account application or a business contract signed, or by a phone call, correspondence in mail or email to us, or by use of our website.

Why Your Personal Information Is Required

OTT is required by law to obtain and collect certain personal information about you as a client in order for us to set up and maintain an account or provide services for you. As stated below, such information will allow OTT to carry out its obligations under law and policies regarding client identification and verification, and help establish a relationship with you and provide the best possible service to meet your needs.

  • To understand and establish your identity as a client;
  • To create a client record or file as required at OTT;
  • To understand your needs and assess your eligibility for our services and products;
  • To provide you with the services you have agreed to obtain from OTT;
  • To maintain business relations and protect you and us from error or any fraud; and
  • To comply with all applicable law, regulations and compliance requirements.

Obtaining Your Consent

You consent is obtained before or at the time opening an account or establishing a relationship with OTT. At such times, you will be required to provide certain personal information in order for us to establish the account or provide you services. The information may be collected via an OTT application form or agreement, in which case you will formally indicate your consent for OTT to collect and use your personal information when you sign the application or agreement. You may wish to withdraw your consent; however, without required information, OTT may not be able to maintain your account or provide you services requested.

Purposes of Using Your Personal Information

After your personal information is provided to OTT’s employees or representatives, OTT may use it for the following purposes:

  • To identify you as a client and create a Client Record or client information file for you;
  • To establish and administer your account, and execute your transactions or services requested;
  • To maintain, store, record and determine your account, transactions or services related records;
  • To ensure our records about you are accurate, and verify information obtained when necessary;
  • To provide you with your account, transactions or services related confirmations or statements, receipts or other information that may be requested or needed to meet your needs;
  • To provide you with quality client service and support on your account, transactions or services;
  • To maintain our business relationship with you and protect the interests of you and OTT; and
  • To meet all applicable legal, regulatory and compliance requirements of OTT, such as the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act.

When communicating with you for the purposes above, you consent to receiving your account, transactions or services related communications from us in any form, including mail, email, or phone call, or Internet.

How Personal Information Is Collected and Recorded

OTT collects personal information from you as a client in a number of ways as stated below. These ways apply to all methods of collecting personal information including hard copy, electronic and verbal means, and the personal information provided by you will only be used for the purposes indicated in the section above.

  • Directly from you, when you provide information and sign on OTT’s account application or agreement or transaction documents completed and submitted to OTT for services or products you requested.
  • Your voluntary disclosure of personal information directly to OTT by phone, mail, email, or our website, and such client account or service related information will be recorded and kept properly.
  • By contacting OTT staff or through those you authorized in writing to conduct business on your behalf.

OTT protects your personal information by using appropriate storage, which may be kept in electronic or paper format, and is gathered in a “Client Record”. Such record or client file may include information about your name, date of birth, address, phone number, identification, occupation etc. Depending on the type of business or service duties required, OTT may need to keep additional information about your account, transactions or when identified as a necessity during the business process, or as required by applicable law or compliance policy.
During the process of providing services to you, OTT employees are required to obtain accurate, complete and current personal information from you, and keep it updated as is necessary for the identified purposes related to your account, transactions, or services. Such information is required to be provided and updated timely in order for us to provide you with better services and meet our regulatory requirements.

Limiting Use, Disclosure and Retention of Personal Information

Any personal information collected from you will only be used for the purposes identified at the time of collecting and will be retained for as long as is necessary to serve your account, provide services, or retain it for a period as required by applicable law or requirements. If certain information requested is not provided, OTT may not be able to assess your application or needs.
In the course of business activities, all employees of OTT and authorized representatives or service providers are required to protect the confidentiality of client personal information for limited use and stated purposes only. Access to your personal information is restricted to those authorized staff and representatives or service providers who need it to do their jobs. Under no circumstances client personal information will be given or sold to other companies for their own use.
OTT may disclose your personal information to a related third party, business partner or government agency under certain circumstances below. This is done only to meet your service requirements or as may be required by any relevant law or government agencies.

  • If a disclosure is connected to the purposes indicated by using service providers authorized, in which case, OTT signs an agreement with it to ensure appropriate controls and protections are in place;
  • You have authorized us to do so for services needed by using financial institutions nominated by you;
  • It is required by law, government agencies, or legal requests related to your account activities.

Protecting and Safeguarding Your Personal Information

OTT is committed to protecting your personal information in a manner consistent with our privacy practices. In order to ensure client personal information is protected, OTT keeps client information securely in its offices, and requires all its employees to adhere to related policies and procedures during daily work when handling client information, and takes appropriate security measures to safeguard your personal information. The security measures used include the following:

  • Physical access security, restricted access to our offices;
  • Passwords set up on our systems;
  • Limited access to client records for those staff who need to know for their work;
  • File encryption put in place to avoid unauthorized access, modification, or use;
  • Requiring authorized third party service providers or business partners to take appropriate measures to secure our client information or remedy it if a breach is occurred;
  • Disposing or destroying personal information as required by following procedures to use proper means or safeguards to prevent those unauthorized from gaining access to the information during the process.

Right to Access Your Personal Information

You have the rights to know and ask questions about your personal information after your personal information has been provided to OTT for your account set up, transactions or services signed. The right may include the following:

  • Whether we hold any personal information about you;
  • How we collect, use or disclose your personal information;
  • Whether and how you can see or access that information;
  • Accuracy or completeness of your personal information;
  • Other questions or issues you may have about your personal information.

You can contact us by phone, fax, mail or email by using the contact information listed below. When requesting access to your information, normally a full access to your information is provided. However, there may be some legal or administrative limitations for certain cases.
You may also request the specific information about our policies and procedures relating to the management of your personal information by reviewing this Policy or contacting us by using the information provided below.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy may change from time to time to reflect changes in our policies, applicable rules, regulations, or related compliance requirements. It is important for you to review this Privacy Statement by visiting our website regularly, as such changes may be made without prior notice.

Resolving Your Questions and Concerns

OTT employees are required to record and maintain the accuracy of your personal information on your file and ensure that it is accurate, complete and up-to-date. However, from time to time, there may be an error occurred. If you find any inaccurate information on your account or transactions, or your personal information has changed, please notify us immediately. We will correct or update it timely. In addition, if you have any questions, concerns or a complaint about your personal information, please contact us directly by using one of the methods below. Upon receipt of your request or complaint, we will contact you as soon as possible to ensure that the necessary corrections or changes are made timely, and will act diligently to address your concerns or resolve problems appropriately.

Contact Information:

Telephone: (+1) 416-499-2258                 Mail: 1123 Leslie Street,
Email: privacy@ott.ca                                Toronto, Ontario
Fax: (+1) 416-391-2992                              M3C 2K5